- Timezone translation `<datetime-like> in <timezone/location> to <destination timezone/location>` or `<datetime-like> to <timezone/location>` (assumes datetime is `local`)
-`04:26 in japan to local`
-`03:14 in local to IST`
-`15:20 to America/New_York`
-`2021-12-25 12:00 in Brazil`
- Time difference: `(time) between <datetime-like> and <datetime-like>` or `(time) since <datetime-like` or `(time) until <datetime-like>`
-`time between 2012-03-14 and 2012-04-26`
-`time since 09:00`
-`time until end of workday`
- (Approximate) workdays calculation (assumes monday-friday are work days - ignores public/local holidays (for now)): `work days/hours since/until <datetime-like>` or `
-`workdays since 2021-01-05`
-`work hours until Friday`
- Milliseconds since epoch: `(time/seconds) since epoch`
- Datetime to epoch: `<datetime-like> to epoch` or `(milli)seconds since <datetime-like>/epoch`
-`2021-01:01 to epoch`
-`milliseconds since epoch`
Few more notes:
-`<datetime-like>` is any time or time-like string - or example:
-`2019-04-26 3:14`, `06:42``27 January 1992`,
- some human readable like `now`, `in 3 hours`, `7 minutes ago` and many others.
- See [dateparser](https://pypi.org/project/dateparser/) for more.
- custom date-times (like `christmas`, `new years`, `end of workday`) defined in `data/custom_dt.csv`
- [UTC time offset](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UTC_time_offsets) (with colon `:` or not like `+02:00` or `+0530`), or
- [abbreviation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zone_abbreviations) (like `UTC`, `CET`, `PST` - however please note that these are not unique and resolution might wrong)
- a location. Uses a local database of files of countries and cities. It then tries to fuzzymatch the query using [fuzzywuzzy](https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy). In case it can't find the country or city, it uses [geopy](https://geopy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) for location resolution. Finally it uses [timezonefinder](https://pypi.org/project/timezonefinder/) for timezone resolution.
*`--format` is the format of the time to be displayed. See supported [datetime formats](https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior)