import random import numpy as np import pyximport from numba import jit pyximport.install() from ckron import cythkrn # Raw matrixes to be used for initialization of qubits and gates # |0> and |1> __0 = [[1.], [0.]] __1 = [[0.], [1.]] # |+> and |-> __p = [[1 / np.sqrt(2)], [1 / np.sqrt(2)]] __m = [[1 / np.sqrt(2)], [-1 / np.sqrt(2)]] # Gate/Operator raws _I = [ [1, 0], [0, 1], ] _X = [ [0, 1], [1, 0], ] _Y = [ [0, complex(0, -1)], [complex(0, 1), 0], ] _Z = [ [1, 0], [0, -1], ] _H = [ [1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)], [1 / np.sqrt(2), -1 / np.sqrt(2)] ] _CNOT = [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], ] class State(object): """Represents a quantum state""" def __init__(self, matrix_state): """ Can be initialized with a matrix, e.g. for |0> this is [[0],[1]] :param matrix_state: a matrix representing the quantum state """ self.matrix_state = np.array(matrix_state) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Kind of hacky way to store a substate of an item for use in Gate operations so that one can use state[0] and the encompassing operator can access this. :param item: :return: """ if item >= len(self): raise IndexError self.item = item return self def __len__(self): return int(np.log2(self.matrix_state.shape[0])) def __repr__(self): return str(self.matrix_state) def __eq__(self, other): return np.array_equal(self.matrix_state, other.matrix_state) def density_matrix(self): return def measure_probability(self): """ In a qbit [a, b] normalized: |a|^2 + |b|^2 = 1 Probability of 0 is |a|^2 and 1 with prob |b|^2 :returns: tuple of probabilities to measure 0 or 1""" return [np.abs(qbit[0]) ** 2 for qbit in self.matrix_state] def measure(self): """ This gets a random choice of either 0 and 1 with weights based on the probabilities of the qbit :returns: classical bit based on qbit probabilities""" weights = self.measure_probability() format_str = "{:0" + str(int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(weights))))) + "b}" choices = [format_str.format(i) for i in range(len(weights))] return random.choices(choices, weights)[0] def partial_measure(self): """ Say we have the state a|00> + b|01> + c|10> + d|11>. Measuring \0> on q1: |0>(a|0> + b|1>) + |1>(c|0> + d|1>) -> We need to normalize for the other qubit: (a|0> + b|1>) / math.sqrt(|a|^2 + \b|^2) :return: """ ... @jit() def kron(_list): """Calculates a Kronicker product of a list of matrices This is essentially a np.kron(*args) since np.kron takes (a,b)""" if type(_list) != list or len(_list) <= 1: return np.array([]) rv = np.array(_list[0]) for item in _list[1:]: # rv = np.kron(rv, item) # TODO: Further optimization with cython - but right now it takes a double only rv = cythkrn.kron(rv, item) return rv class Gate(State): def on(self, other_state): """ Applies a gate operation on a state. If applying to a substate, use the index of the substate, e.g. `H.on( bell[0])` will apply the Hadamard gate on the 0th qubit of the `bell` state. :param other_state: another state (e.g. `H.on(q1)` or a list of states (e.g. for `CNOT.on([q1, q2])`) :return: the state after the application of the Gate """ this_state_m = self.matrix_state if type(other_state) == list: other_state = State(kron([e.matrix_state for e in other_state])) other_state_m = other_state.matrix_state if this_state_m.shape[1] != other_state_m.shape[0]: # The two arrays are different sizes # Use the Kronicker product of Identity with the state.item where # state.item is the substate larger_side = max(len(self), len(other_state)) _list = [this_state_m if i == other_state.item else _I for i in range(larger_side)] this_state_m = kron(_list) return State( class Qubit(State): ... # List of gates I = Gate(_I) X = Gate(_X) Y = Gate(_Y) Z = Gate(_Z) H = Gate(_H) CNOT = Gate(_CNOT) def run_qbit_tests(): # asserts are sets of tests to check if mathz workz # initialize qubits _0 = Qubit(__0) _1 = Qubit(__1) _p = Qubit(__p) _m = Qubit(__m) # Identity: verify that I|0> == |0> and I|1> == |0> assert I.on(_0) == _0 assert I.on(_1) == _1 # Pauli X: verify that X|0> == |1> and X|1> == |0> assert X.on(_0) == _1 assert X.on(_1) == _0 # measure probabilities in sigma_x of |0> and |1> # using allclose since dealing with floats assert np.allclose(_0.measure_probability(), (1.0, 0.0)) assert np.allclose(_1.measure_probability(), (0.0, 1.0)) # applying Hadamard puts the qbit in orthogonal +/- basis assert np.array_equal(H.on(_0), _p) assert np.array_equal(H.on(_1), _m) # measure probabilities in sigma_x of |+> and |-> # using allclose since dealing with floats assert np.allclose(_p.measure_probability(), (0.5, 0.5)) assert np.allclose(_m.measure_probability(), (0.5, 0.5)) if __name__ == "__main__": run_qbit_tests()