# High level overview of RSA and Shor's algo RSA relies on: ``` N = p*q ``` where N is a big number and `p` and `q` are large prime number. So, say we have `N`. Make a guess `g`. `g` doesn't have to be a factor of N, it can be a number that shares factors with N, e.g. ``` N = g * h N = a * b # 4 = 2 * 2 g = a * c # 6 = 2 * 3 gcd(N, g) = a g^(p/2) +- 1 A, B -> no common factors A, B -> A^p = m*B + 1 7, 15 -> 7^2 = 3*15 + 1 7^3 = 22*15 + 13 160*15 + 1 ``` ## Sources: * [Minute Physics - Quantum Crypto video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvTqbM5Dq4Q)