import random from math import sqrt, log class Gate(list): # Matrix multiplication def __mul__(self, other): rv = Gate() for kol in range(len(other[0])): for _ in range(len(self)): rv.append([0]) # iterate through rows of a for i in range(len(self)): # iterate through columns of b for j in range(len(other[0])): # iterate through rows of b for k in range(len(other)): rv[i][j] += self[i][k] * other[k][j] return rv class Qubit(list): # tensor multiplication def __mul__(self, other): rv = Qubit() for i in self: for j in other: rv.append([i[0] * j[0]]) return rv def measure(qubits, times=10): """ Measure result from computation based on the qubit population """ probabilites = [q[0] ** 2 for q in qubits] return [bin(m) for m in random.choices( population=range(len(qubits)), weights=probabilites, k=times )] _0 = Qubit([[1], [0]]) _1 = Qubit([[0], [1]]) I = Gate([ [1, 0], [0, 1], ]) X = Gate([ [0, 1], [1, 0], ]) Y = Gate([ [0, complex(0, -1)], [complex(0, 1), 0], ]) Z = Gate([ [1, 0], [0, -1], ]) CNOT = Gate([ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], ]) H = Gate([ [1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)], [1 / sqrt(2), -1 / sqrt(2)], ]) def main(): # TEST IDENTITY assert _1 == I * _1 assert _0 == I * _0 # TEST BIT-FLIP assert _1 == X * _0 assert _0 == X * _1 # TEST CNOT GATE - Control * Target # Control is FALSE, so target doesn't change assert CNOT * (_0 * _0) == (_0 * _0) assert CNOT * (_0 * _1) == (_0 * _1) # Control is TRUE, so target MUST change assert CNOT * (_1 * _0) == (_1 * _1) assert CNOT * (_1 * _1) == (_1 * _0) # TEST HADAMARD # Put two qubits in superposition superposition = Qubit(H * _0) * Qubit(H * _0) print(superposition) # Entangle the qubits entanglement = Qubit(CNOT * superposition) print(entanglement) # TODO: What does it mean to apply H gate on the entangled qubits??? # # Should it be: # q1 = Qubit(H * entanglement[:2]) # q2 = Qubit(H * entanglement[2:]) # But how does one get the 4x4 matrix of CNOT??? # # q1 = Qubit(H * Qubit(entanglement[:2])) # print(q1) # q2 = Qubit(H * Qubit(entanglement[2:])) # print(q2) # print(q1 * q2) # this should get us 1/4 chance for each combination of 00 01 10 and 10; # measure 42 times print(measure(entanglement, times=42)) # TEST MY MEMORY # rv = _0 # QUBITS = 23 # print(2**QUBITS) # print("{:.1f} KB".format(2**QUBITS / 2**10)) # print("{:.1f} MB".format(2**QUBITS / 2**20)) # print("{:.1f} GB".format(2**QUBITS / 2**30)) # for i in range(QUBITS): # rv *= _0 # print(len(rv)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()