Second version of the quantum key distribution

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Tsvetkov 2019-12-02 17:35:22 +01:00
parent 2beb548cbe
commit 1030de6fca
2 changed files with 347 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class Bob:
@dataclass @dataclass
class Mallory: class Eve:
_bases: list = field(default_factory=list) _bases: list = field(default_factory=list)
_values: list = field(default_factory=list) _values: list = field(default_factory=list)
@ -83,13 +83,14 @@ class Mallory:
def main(): def main():
alice, bob, mallory = Alice(), Bob(), Mallory() alice, bob, eve = Alice(), Bob(), Eve()
# Step 1. Generate a stream of random photons polarizations in a random basis # Step 1. Generate a stream of random photons polarizations in a random
# basis
stream = alice.generate_stream(STREAM_LENGTH) stream = alice.generate_stream(STREAM_LENGTH)
stream = mallory.ingest_stream(stream) # stream = eve.ingest_stream(stream)
# Step 2. Bob ingests the stream of photons # Step 2. Bob ingests the stream of photons
bob.ingest_stream(stream) bob.ingest_stream(stream)
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ def main():
assert alice._otp == bob._otp assert alice._otp == bob._otp
print("OTP Length: {}".format(alice.get_otp_length())) print("OTP Length: {}".format(alice.get_otp_length()))
print("OTP Length: {}".format(alice._otp))
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":

340 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
import random
import numpy as np
# should print some debugging statements?
DEBUG = True
# How long should be the stream - in general about half of the stream
# will be used by the One Time pad (i.e. if stream is 100, expect on average
# about 50 bits to be used as an OTP
# The message that Alice wants to send to Bob
# |0> and |1>
_0 = np.array([[1],
_1 = np.array([[0],
# |+> and |->
_p = np.array([[1 / np.sqrt(2)],
[1 / np.sqrt(2)]])
_m = np.array([[1 / np.sqrt(2)],
[-1 / np.sqrt(2)]])
# Gates - Identity, Pauli X and Hadamard
I = np.array([[1, 0],
[0, 1]])
X = np.array([[0, 1],
[1, 0]])
H = np.array([[1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)],
[1 / np.sqrt(2), -1 / np.sqrt(2)]])
def measure_probability(qbit):
In a qbit [a, b] normalized: |a|^2 + |b|^2 = 1
Probability of 0 is |a|^2 and 1 with prob |b|^2
:returns: tuple of probabilities to measure 0 or 1"""
return np.abs(qbit[0][0]) ** 2, np.abs(qbit[1][0]) ** 2
def measure(qbit):
This gets a random choice of either 0 and 1 with weights
based on the probabilities of the qbit
:returns: classical bit based on qbit probabilities"""
return random.choices([0, 1], measure_probability(qbit))[0]
def bases_to_classical(qbits):
Converts a list of qbits to classical bits.
0 -> if sigma_x (Identity)
1 -> if sigma_z (Hadamard)
:param qbits: list of bits
:return: classical 0/1
return ['1' if np.array_equal(b, H) else '0' for b in qbits]
def unicode_message_to_binary(m):
"""Converts a Unicode message to list of bits """
return [int(a) for a in list(''.join('{:08b}'.format(b)
for b in m.encode('utf8')))]
def binary_to_unicode_message(list_b):
"""Converts a list of bits to Unicode message"""
s = ''.join([str(a) for a in list_b])
return "".join([chr(int(x, 2)) for x in [s[i:i + 8]
for i in range(0, len(s), 8)
def encrypt_message(message, otp):
Encrypt a message using a One Time Pad algorithm.
This basically XORs each bit of the message with each bit of the OTP
:param message: message as a utf-8 encoded string, e.g. "hello world"
:param otp: list of One Time Pad bits
:return: List of encrypted bits
binary_message = unicode_message_to_binary(message)
# Verify we have enough bits to xor
if len(_alice_otp) < len(binary_message):
print("ERROR: OTP is not long enough ({} bits) "
"to encode message '{}' ({} bits)".format(
len(otp), message, len(binary_message)))
# XOR the message to be sent
return [m_b ^ otp_b for m_b, otp_b in zip(binary_message, otp)]
def decrypt_message(encrypted_bits, otp):
Decrypt a list of encrypted bits using a One Time Pad algorithm.
This basically XORs each bit of the list with each bit of the OTP
:param encrypted_bits: list of encrypted bits
:param otp: list of One Time Pad bits
:return: Decrypted message as a utf-8 encoded string, e.g. hello world
_decrypted_bits = [m_b ^ otp_b
for m_b, otp_b in zip(encrypted_bits, otp)]
return binary_to_unicode_message(_decrypted_bits)
def run_qbit_tests():
# asserts are sets of tests to check if mathz workz
# Identity: verify that I|0> == |0> and I|1> == |0>
assert np.array_equal(, _0)
assert np.array_equal(, _1)
# Pauli X: verify that X|0> == |1> and X|1> == |0>
assert np.array_equal(, _1)
assert np.array_equal(, _0)
# measure probabilities in sigma_x of |0> and |1>
# using allclose since dealing with floats
assert np.allclose(measure_probability(_0), (1.0, 0.0))
assert np.allclose(measure_probability(_1), (0.0, 1.0))
# applying Hadamard puts the qbit in orthogonal +/- basis
assert np.array_equal(, _p)
assert np.array_equal(, _m)
# measure probabilities in sigma_x of |+> and |->
# using allclose since dealing with floats
assert np.allclose(measure_probability(_p), (0.5, 0.5))
assert np.allclose(measure_probability(_m), (0.5, 0.5))
def qkd():
# Quantum Key Distribution Algorithm (QKD)
# We have Alice and Bob who want to share a common key which can be used
# to then encrypt data (for example by xor-ing the common key with a
# message)
# This common key is called OTP (One Time Pad) and represents a string of
# classical 0 and 1 bits.
# Private data is prefixed by convention with _ and the comments will
# say whether that data is private to Alice or to Bob.
# Public data is communicated over an insecure channel and is potentially
# accessible to adversaries like Eve
# All qubits are initialized as |0>
:returns: Alice's and Bob's OTP
# Step 1:
# PRIVATE DATA (to Alice)
# Alice chooses randomly whether to send |0> or |1> - which is either
# apply Identity gate or Pauli X (flip) gate.
_alice_values = [random.choice([I, X]) for _ in range(STREAM_LENGTH)]
# However, Alice will also write these choices classically which can be
# used later to combine with Bob's information
# Alice uses the values - if chosen Identity, write 0
# if chosen Pauli X, write 1
_alice_value_choices = ['1' if np.array_equal(v, X) else '0' for v in
# Step 2:
# PUBLIC DATA (Classical channel): Alice will share her choice of bases
# Alice chooses her base - either sigma_x or sigma_z - which is either
# apply Identity gate or Hadamard gate
alice_bases = [random.choice([I, H]) for _ in range(STREAM_LENGTH)]
# Just to make it easier to pass on Classical channel
alice_base_choices = bases_to_classical(alice_bases)
# Step 3:
# PUBLIC DATA (Quantum channel): Alice will share her qubits with Bob
# Alice prepares her qubits by chaining the initialized |0> to the
# values and then the bases.
# (These 3 operations so far are equivalent to choosing a qbit from these
# 4 posibilities (but we are making it more verbose):)
# alice_qbits = [random.choice([_0, _1, _p, _m])
# for _ in range(STREAM_LENGTH)]
alice_qbits = [ for v, b in zip(_alice_values, alice_bases)]
# Step 4:
# Bob chooses in which basis to measure - either the
# sigma_x or the sigma_z which is equivalent to either
# apply the Identity gate or the Hadamard gate
_bob_bases = [random.choice([I, H]) for _ in range(STREAM_LENGTH)]
_bob_base_choices = bases_to_classical(_bob_bases)
# Step 5:
# PUBLIC DATA (Classical channel):Bob will share the common bases with Alice
# Bob receives Alice's bases from Step 2 and uses his chosen bases from
# Step 4 to calculate which bases are the same.
# This will produce a classical 0/1 stream which can be shared with
# Communicate when the choice of bases were the same
common_bases = [a == b for a, b in
zip(alice_base_choices, _bob_base_choices)]
# Step 6:
# Bob uses the qubits shared by Alice in Step 3 and the calculated common
# base in Step 5.
# Apply the chosen bases to the qubits.
# If Alice and Bob chose I -> This will result in either |0> or |1>
# Applying the Identity doesn't change the state
# which has 100% probability to collapse
# to either 0 or 1 classically
# If Alice and Bob chose H -> This will result in either |+> or |->
# After applying the H on either it results
# in either |0> or |1>
# which again has 100% probability to collapse
# to either 0 or 1 classically
_bob_apply_bases = [ for a, b in zip(alice_qbits, _bob_bases)]
# If the common base matches, measure the qubit - and since from previous
# argument this is either |0> or |1> it will collapse to classical 0 or 1
# Otherwise - don't measure (put 'N')
# This is Bob's side of the OTP
_bob_measured = [str(measure(q)) if c else 'N' for q, c in
zip(_bob_apply_bases, common_bases)]
# Step 7:
# PRIVATE DATA (to Alice)
# Alice doesn't have to measure qubits - she just needs to use the common
# bases from Step 5 to decide which values can be used from Step 1
# Otherwise - don't use the value (prints 'N')
_alice_chosen_value = [v if c else 'N' for v, c in
zip(_alice_value_choices, common_bases)]
# do the OTP calculation from either Bob's or Alice's - should be the same
_alice_otp = [int(v) for v in _alice_chosen_value if v != 'N']
_bob_otp = [int(v) for v in _bob_measured if v != 'N']
# Verify that algo run correctly:
assert _alice_otp == _bob_otp
# Now OTP is agreed upon
# Both Alice's chosen values and Bob's measured qbits should be the same
# Print some debugging statements
print("A vals (_pA): {}".format(
['I' if np.array_equal(v, I) else 'X' for v in _alice_values]))
print("A bases (pub): {}".format(
['I' if np.array_equal(b, I) else 'H' for b in alice_bases]))
print("B bases (_pB): {}".format(
['I' if np.array_equal(b, I) else 'H' for b in _bob_bases]))
print("C bases (pub): {}".format(
['1' if c else '0' for c in common_bases]))
print("A chosn (_pA): {}".format(_alice_chosen_value))
print("B mesrd (_pB): {}".format(_bob_measured))
print("OTP: {}".format(_alice_otp))
print("OTP length: {}".format(len(_alice_otp)))
return _alice_otp, _bob_otp
def message_exchange_otp(_ALICE_MESSAGE, _alice_otp, _bob_otp):
# OTP (One Time Pad) Algorithm
# -----------------------------
# One can encrypt a message using a stream of random bits (OTP) using XOR.
# XOR truth table (classical):
# A B R |
# ----- |
# 0 0 0 |
# 0 1 1 |
# 1 0 1 |
# 1 1 0 |
# XORing bits is a reversable process, e.g. if we have the letter 'd'
# 'a' in ascii is 97 [ord('a')]
# 97 in binary is 0b1100001 [bin(ord('a'))]
# But bytes are always 8 bit long, so prepend with 0s
# string 'a' = 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
# otp = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
# 'a' XOR otp = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 = enc
# This is now the encrypted message (enc = 11111010). To decrypt apply the
# same OTP to the encrypted message to reverse the process,
# i.e. 'a' = enc XOR otp
# encrypted = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
# otp = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
# enc XOR otp = 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 = dec
# dec is not the same stream of bits originally encrypted, i.e. string 'a'
# Step 8:
# PUBLIC DATA (Classical channel): Alice will share the encrypted
# message to Bob
# Finally, it we have enough secret shared bits (length of OTP) Alice
# can encrypt the message by XOR-ing each bit with the MESSAGE and put
# it on the classical channel.
# Convert the message to a list of bits
encrypted_bits = encrypt_message(_ALICE_MESSAGE, _alice_otp)
if not encrypted_bits:
# Step 9:
# PRIVATE DATA (to Bob): Bob can now decrypt the message using the OTP
_bob_message = decrypt_message(encrypted_bits, _bob_otp)
# Finally, verify that the sent message is the same as received message
assert _ALICE_MESSAGE == _bob_message
print("Alice successfully sent a message to Bob using QKD!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run tests to make sure we didn't mess up some quantum mathz
# First - run the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) algorithm
_alice_otp, _bob_otp = qkd()
# Second - using the shared One Time Pads (OTP), share a message
message_exchange_otp(_ALICE_MESSAGE, _alice_otp, _bob_otp)