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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lib import *
def plot(t, s):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, s)
ax.set(xlabel='angle', ylabel='result', title='plot')
# Double-slit, which-way
# https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/229895/understanding-the-quantum-eraser-from-a-quantum-information-stand-point
# Delayed-choice quantum eraser:
# https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/1568/what-is-the-quantum-circuit-equivalent-of-a-delayed-choice-quantum-eraser
# The matrix
# Λ=eiϕ/2|0⟩⟨0|+eiϕ/2|1⟩⟨1|
# introduces a phase shift between the two paths (this can e.g. be a
# function of the position on the screen, or the relative length of
# the interferometer arms)
# See note on the post:
# you could use quirk to provide interactive versions of the quantum
# circuits. For example, your first circuit is this
# https://algassert.com/quirk#circuit={%22cols%22:[[%22H%22],[%22Z^t%22],
# [%22H%22],[%22Measure%22]]}
# , while your second is
# https://algassert.com/quirk#circuit=%7B%22cols%22:%5B%5B%22H%22%5D,
# %5B%22%E2%80%A2%22,%22X%22%5D,%5B%22Z%5Et%22%5D,%5B%22H%22%5D%5D%7D
# this.
# Note(pisquared): The difference seems in the Lambda operator which
# seems to be actually a [T-Gate](
# https://www.quantum-inspire.com/kbase/t-gate/)
# In quirk, the Z^t keeps |0><0| while the description
# in the post spins |0><0| to oposite degrees which
# cancels after application of the second H-gate
def double_slit():
ms = list()
angles = np.arange(-4 * np.pi, 4 * np.pi, 0.1)
for theta in angles:
# Here, the first H puts the qubit in the superposition of both
# paths/slits -- the states |0⟩ and |1⟩ correspond to the two
# paths/slits
phi1 = H.on(s("|0>"))
phi2 = T(theta).on(phi1)
# and the second H makes the two paths interfere.
phi3 = H.on(phi2)
# If the output qubit is measured in state |0⟩,
# the interference is constructive, otherwise desctructive.
# You can easily check that this yields an interference pattern which
# varies like prob(0)=cos(ϕ)2.
# ms.append(phi3.measure())
plot(angles, ms)
def which_way():
ms = list()
angles = np.arange(-4 * np.pi, 4 * np.pi, 0.1)
for theta in angles:
# Here, the first H puts the qubit in the superposition of both
# paths/slits -- the states |0⟩ and |1⟩ correspond to the two
# paths/slits
phi1 = H.on(s("|0>"))
# Now imagine that we want to copy the which-way information:
# Then, what we do is
q2 = s("|0>")
phi2 = CNOT.on(phi1 * q2)
phi3 = T(theta).on(phi2, 0)
phi4 = H.on(phi3, 0)
# this is, we copy the which-way information before traversing the
# interferometer onto qubit c. It is easy to see that this destroys
# the interference pattern, i.e., prob(0)=1/2.
# ms.append(phi3.measure())
plot(angles, ms)
if __name__ == "__main__":