
56 lines
3.0 KiB

[%- for column in columns %]
{% if has_permission("[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]", "[[ column.name ]].read", instance, object_prefix="columns", action_prefix="column") %}
{% if "[[ column.name ]]" not in skip_list %}
<li id="display-[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]-[[ column.name ]]"><strong>[%- if column.type in ['relationship'] and column.multiple %]{{ _("[[ column.name|pluralize ]]") }}[%- else %]{{ _("[[ column.name ]]") }}[%- endif %]</strong>:
[%- if not column.type in ['bool', 'boolean', ] %]
[%- if column.type in ['relationship'] and column.multiple %]
{% if not instance.[[ column.name|pluralize ]] %}{% else %}
[%- else %]
{% if not instance.[[ column.name ]] %}{% else %}
[%- endif %]
[%- endif %]
[%- if column.type in ['picture', 'image', 'img'] %]
<img src="{{ url_for('oshipka_bp.get_media', model_name='[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]', instance_id=instance.id, column='[[ column.name ]]', filepath=instance.[[ column.name ]]) }}" id="display-[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]-[[ column.name ]]" />
[%- elif column.type in ['video'] %]
<video src="{{ url_for('oshipka_bp.get_media', model_name='[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]', instance_id=instance.id, column='[[ column.name ]]', filepath=instance.[[ column.name ]]) }}" controls class="video-inline" id="display-[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]-[[ column.name ]]">
<source src="{{ url_for('oshipka_bp.get_media', model_name='[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]', instance_id=instance.id, column='[[ column.name ]]', filepath=instance.[[ column.name ]]) }}" type="video/mp4">
<source src="{{ url_for('oshipka_bp.get_media', model_name='[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]', instance_id=instance.id, column='[[ column.name ]]', filepath=instance.[[ column.name ]]) }}" type="video/webm">
[%- elif column.type in ['audio'] %]
<audio src="{{ url_for('oshipka_bp.get_media', model_name='[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]', instance_id=instance.id, column='[[ column.name ]]', filepath=instance.[[ column.name ]]) }}" controls id="display-[[ name|camel_to_snake ]]-[[ column.name ]]"></audio>
[%- elif column.type in ['relationship'] %]
[%- if column.multiple %]
{% for instance in instance.[[ column.name|pluralize ]] %}
{% include "[[ column.name|camel_to_snake ]]/_list_item.html" %}
{% endfor %}
[%- else %]
{{ instance.[[ column.name ]] }}
[%- endif %]
[%- elif column.type in ['bool', 'boolean', ] %]
{{ instance.[[ column.name ]]|bool }}
[%- else %]
{{ instance.[[ column.name ]] }}
[%- endif %]
{% endif %}
[%- if not column.type in ['bool', 'boolean', ] %]
{% endif %}
[%- endif %]
{% endif %}
[%- endfor %]
[%- for backref in backrefs %]
<li id="display-[[ backref.name ]]"><strong>{{ _("[[ backref.name ]]") }}</strong>:
{% set ex_instance = instance %}
{% for tmp_instance in ex_instance.[[ backref.name ]] %}
[%- if backref.resolve %]
{% set instance = tmp_instance[[ backref.resolve ]] %}
[%- else %]
{% set instance = tmp_instance %}
[%- endif %]
{% include "[[ backref.model ]]/_list_item.html" %}
{% endfor %}
[%- endfor %]