# RENAME THIS FILE TO .yaml and use the structure below # name: Example # name of the model searchable: # list of columns that are searchable - body interits: # list of inheritable classes, each line is one of (Ownable) - Ownable access: - verb: all login_required: true roles_required: - admin - verb: get|list|table|search|create|update|delete login_required: false show_in_nav: yes columns: - name: body|is_|_dt type: boolean|integer|text|long_text|datetime default: "{}" - name: filesomething type: file|audio|video|picture|image|img accept: .doc,.docx # OPTIONAL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/accept - name: related type: relationship # type relationship to: other_model # OPTIONAL: otherwise we get it from the name backref: backref_model # OPTIONAL: name of the backref model, otherwise from name foreign_key: fk_1 # OPTIONAL: MUST do it, if several related to the same column multiple: true # could be many-to-many - name: choisy type: choice choices: INT_INFO: int_info # key:value backrefs: - name: related_to model: song # list of backrefs that should be displayed resolve: '.song_to' # OPTIONAL: in case it's a additional table that needs to be resolved further display: primary: type secondary: text tertiary: alt_names