[%- for column in columns %] {% if "[[ column.name ]]" not in disabled_columns %} {% endif %} [%- endfor %]
: [%- if column.type in ['relationship'] %] [% if column.multiple %] [%- endif %] [%- if not column.secondary %] [%- endif %] {% if [[ column.name|pluralize ]] is not defined and instance and instance.[[ column.name|pluralize ]] is defined %} {% set [[ column.name|pluralize ]] = instance.[[ column.name|pluralize ]] %} {% else %} {% set [[ column.name|pluralize ]] = model_views.[[ column.name ]].model.query.all() %} {% endif %} {%- for sub_instance in [[ column.name|pluralize ]] %} {%- endfor %} [%- elif column.type in ['choice', ] %] [%- elif column.type in ['number', 'int', 'integer', ] %] [%- elif column.type in ['bool', 'boolean', ] %] [%- elif column.type in ['long_text', ] %] [%- else %] [%- endif %]